Under Luna
"A small seed of creativity, passion and unfortunately a lot of frustration was planted in me in late 2014 to build my own shampoo and conditioner. Unable to find natural hair products that were in fact natural and were effective, I was determined to create my own. a product that is completely natural, healing, nutrient dense without sacrificing the lather and luxurious feel that commercial shampoos and conditioners have (without the scary chemicals) is the ultimate, right?!
I looked to our Native American ancestors for guidance and studied their original use of herbs, oils and rituals for hair care. I started from the beginning. I stripped down our current "formulas" and built it back up with ayurvedic and Native American herbs, plants, fruits, etc. after months and months... and months of working and reworking it, I was led me to my first collection: warrior shampoo, revive conditioner + luna love conditioner. It became a line of products I made solely for my family and friends.
Soon after, it became more than just a passion project and it needed a name. Under Luna was born and shortly after another seed was planted, this time in the form of a baby girl who fittingly is named Luna, the creator, inspiration and planter of the original seed." -Carly Castillo Ferrarese, founder